
Top Search Engine Optimization Strategies For Leads Generation

Top Search Engine Optimization Strategies For Leads Generation

Word-of-Mouth Hopefully, you get some customers through word-of-mouth because your customers like to brag about how amazing their contractor is. If you don’t get many referrals, you should try and figure out why. Are you charging too much? Are your customers happy with the service they receive? Do you keep in touch with past clients? Do you ask for referrals? An Outstanding Website Your website is like your main salesman, especially if you an independent contractor with little or no payroll. You are busy and can’t always be out there promoting yourself so your website is your number one asset for this purpose. These days the web is the first place people turn to either find a company or to learn more about one they are considering hiring. If you don’t have a website that covers all the necessary bases then you are likely losing customers to competitors that have figured this out already. Google My Business (Google Maps) Google Maps is something every single local business in the world is using or should be. The ones that use it right are getting more customers in their local areas. This is because Google Maps is proximity-based. This means that if I search for your product or service on my phone when I’m close to your location, you will show up on the top of the search results. Pay-per-click Advertising on Google Ads (Formerly Adwords) First of all, pay-per-click is exactly what it sounds like. You pay Google each time someone clicks on your ad. When they click, they are sent to a web page of your choice, usually a special page on your website with the purpose of getting them to contact you about their project. Google is the best place to advertise for local service-based businesses. This is because when someone is searching on Google, they know what they want and they typically want it now. As a salesperson, wouldn’t you rather talk to someone that wants what you have now rather than someone that might want it later?

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